Broker name: alamiyamarkets .com (Alamiya Markets LTD) = New name Liirat (Liirat LTD) alamiyamarkets .com
Server name: Liirat = AlamiyaMarkets
Evaluation is given 1-10 (10 very good):
The total value of the spread for daily trading in comparison with competitors: 8.5
Spread stability during the day: 10
Spreads during strong market movements (strong volatility): 10
The possibility of trading scalping: yes
The possibility of trading with middle and long term period only: yes
Weekend Spreads: 10
Bitcoin trading possibilities: yes
Overall rating: 9.6
Results of spreads stability rating according pictures:
In today’s competitive financial marketplace, partnering with a broker who is ahead of the curve in all areas related to trading is an important contributor to client profitability over the long term. The Alamiya Markets vision will always be predicated upon client profitability first and foremost. For this reason, we are consistently putting ourselves in our clients’ shoes when it comes to our offerings. Starting with locating the Alamiya Markets MetaTrader 4 technology with the largest liquidity providers in the FX marketplace, our technology offerings are second to none.
Alamiya Markets caters to both the sophisticated and developing trader who both are seeking a transparent and fair marketplace. Individual Discretionary Traders, Automated Trading Strategies and Money Managers are a few of the parties who have found a trading home at Alamiya Markets.